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Sonoma Wine Tours

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 9, 2018

Sonoma County is a place that any wine enthusiast in America should be aware of. It’s home to 60,000 acres of vineyards. On that acreage is a staggering 425 wineries, all producing the wine that we all love so much. That being said, if you whatever your interest level, making Sonoma County a part of your visit to San Francisco is an absolute must. You have a wealth of options when it comes to how you tackle your wine country tour. We’re here to give you some ideas about where your adventure can take you.

A Taste of the Underground
There’s a reason why wine has traditionally been stored underground. It’s why the term wine cellar is a thing. The caves of Sonoma County are home to some of the best conditions possible for storing wine. The same conditions that make them ideal for storing wine, also make them an ideal place for tasting wine as well. On a hot summer day, a cool wine tasting in a cave might just be what you’re looking for.

Alexander Valley Vineyards offers twice daily tours at their 25,000-square-foot-cavern. Carved into the side of a hill, it holds 10,000 barrels of wine. Buena Vista Winery, California’s oldest commercial winery, is home to wine cellars that actually have Historic Landmark Status. If you want to see some really cool volcanic caves, we would also suggest that your check out Hans Fahden Vineyards and Winery. These samples are just a taste of the distinctive wine caves that Sonoma County has to offer.

Top Of The World
From the depths of an underground cellar, we’ll go straight to the top for some stunning vistas. Sip in the sky, and live large, at the following Sonoma County wineries. BobDog Wines & Sky Pine Vineyards is located on high above the Alexander Valley, It’s 2,000 feet above to be exact. It is the highest winery in the county and offers up some really stunning scenery. From there, you could hop over to the Chalk Hill Estate Vineyards & WInery. This hilltop chateau style tasting room offers you a view of the mountains along the easter edge of the Russian River Valley. If a view from above, and the taste of a great wine is your idea of a good time, you can’t go wrong with these top of the world vineyards.

Plan Ahead
We’ve given you a lot to chew on, and we hope that we haven’t overwhelmed you with what great options you have available in for Sonoma County deals. Take your time, do your research, and figure out what you’re looking for. It can be a highlight, or great addition to any trip to San Francisco.

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