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blog home Limo Rental Tips Reward Outstanding Students With a San Francisco Limousine Experience!

Reward Outstanding Students With a San Francisco Limousine Experience!

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on December 16, 2010

One of our recent blog posts about a troubled teenager who had turned his life around, began excelling in his studies and was rewarded with a limo ride and shopping spree got us thinking. What an excellent idea! Few experiences can top a ride in a limousine for sheer coolness and fun, so we thought we should promote the idea to Bay Area schools that are looking for some outside-the-box thinking to motivate and reward students. Why is renting a limo for outstanding students effective? Let us count the ways:

•   Affordability
Renting a San Francisco limousine from us is quite affordable and can fit comfortably within the budgets of any area school district. With a phone call or two, an administrator might be able to find a sponsor that would cover the tab, too!

•    The cool factor
The cool factor of riding in a limo is undeniable for kids of all ages. Whether it is your first time in a limousine or your 50th, everyone gets a kick out of riding in the plush environs of a limo and having a professional chauffeur transport him or her from one place to the next.

•    One powerful motivator
The prospect of being able to ride in a limo is an incredibly effective motivator, particularly for kids who are struggling with scholastic achievement. We’re not educators, but we know a good idea when we see it, and anything that gets kids to study and apply all that energy is a step in the right direction.

•    Everybody wins!
When a kid is able to see the value of education, particularly if he or she has been having problems at school, everybody wins. First and foremost, the kid wins by making better choices and being rewarded for it. His or her classmates win by having something to strive for, the teacher wins by seeing their efforts reflected in a positive way and we all win when a kid is rewarded for investing in himself or herself.

Whether you’re a school administrator looking for an innovative way to motivate and reward students or you’re a parent or guardian wanting to keep your end of a bargain with a young person, renting a Bay Area limo is the right move. You’ll give a kid the experience of a lifetime, encourage better choices and positive behavior and inspire other kids to apply themselves. Sound like an intriguing idea? Call NLS Limo today at 1-800-339-8936 to discuss your options, and let us know how we can help.

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