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SF Holi 2020 color festival | San Francisco Travel Blog

Wash Away Winter with an Ocean of Color: SF Holi 2020

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 10, 2020

It’s one of the most vibrant events in the entire world, where colors splash against colors, transforming people’s hair and skin, their clothing, the sidewalks and the streets into a kaleidoscopic tapestry enough to make anyone’s eyes turn into pinwheels. We are speaking here of the Indian celebration of Holi, which is an important marker of the transition out of winter and into spring. While the history of Holi stretches back all the way to at least the 7th century where mentions of it are made in a play written by Emperor Harsha, it is also a wildly contemporary event that serves to obliterate normal social boundaries as people gather together to dance, sing, and revel in bursts of color.

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