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blog home Things To Do Wash Away Winter with an Ocean of Color: SF Holi 2020

Wash Away Winter with an Ocean of Color: SF Holi 2020

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 10, 2020

It’s one of the most vibrant events in the entire world, where colors splash against colors, transforming people’s hair and skin, their clothing, the sidewalks and the streets into a kaleidoscopic tapestry enough to make anyone’s eyes turn into pinwheels. We are speaking here of the Indian celebration of Holi, which is an important marker of the transition out of winter and into spring. While the history of Holi stretches back all the way to at least the 7th century where mentions of it are made in a play written by Emperor Harsha, it is also a wildly contemporary event that serves to obliterate normal social boundaries as people gather together to dance, sing, and revel in bursts of color.

SF Holi 2020 will be the largest color festival in the entire Bay Area for the entire year, which is perfect as many of us are deeply feeling the reduced palette offered to us by the winter months. While grey and white can be lovely, after a certain amount of time they become oppressive and our hearts and our souls long for some sign of life in the form of bright yellows, reds, blues, purples, and greens.

If here, as we near the end of February and head into March, you feel the exhaustion that the middle of winter so often contains, then SF Holi 2020 is exactly the thing to put on your calendar so you can count down the days until the brilliant colors can rain over your head like glorious sunshine.

This year, the festival is looking to be far larger than ever before. With the beat being laid down by DJ Twinbeatz, hundreds of people will gather at the California College of the Arts located at 1111 8th Street in San Francisco and gather an all natural powder in their hands before smearing it all over their faces and clothing. Want to spread joy? You are encouraged to throw handfuls of the colorful mixture of cornstarch and food dye at other festival goers! Please, though, avoid eyes and mouths.

SF Holi 2020 will take place on Saturday, March 28th, and run from noon until 4:00pm.

Most importantly, dress accordingly! You will become very, very messy after all.

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