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San Francisco festival party buses | San Francisco Travel Blog

43rd Annual Union Street Festival

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on May 28, 2019

We’ve been spending some time on this blog looking at a few of the amazing festivals and street fairs that are taking place throughout San Francisco during the summer. Today, we are going to inform you about yet another event that falls in to the Not-To-Be-Missed category if you happen to find yourself in the Bay Area during the weekend of June 1st and 2nd. We are speaking here of the Union Street Festival, one of the city’s most historic and beloved street fairs and a great way to bask in all of the best things that the City by the Bay has to offer.

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9 Viva Harvey Milk! The Castro Street Fair Returns to The Mission

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on September 19, 2018

One of the most enduring legacies of the gay-rights activist Harvey Milk is the Castro Street Fair. Founded by Milk and the Castro Valley Association in 1974, the event has since grown to become one of the most beloved and well-attended of all the fall events happening throughout the Bay Area.

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San Francisco’s Kiosk Fest 2016

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on July 21, 2016

Even before Robert Crumb began peddling copies of Zap Comix from a baby carriage in the Haight-Ashbury district, San Francisco has been the proud home of DIY artists, printers, and zine publishers. To celebrate this heritage while simultaneously supporting the next generation of brilliant, subversive, and cutting-edge artists, the Kiosk Fest returns to the Bay Area this weekend.

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