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California Academy of Sciences | San Francisco Travel Blog

Creatures of the NightLife: The Strangest Event in San Francisco

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on October 22, 2015

Maybe the most bizarre combination of Halloween-themed activities, Nightlife is a one-night-only event that takes place on October 29th, starting at 6:00, and will surely delight and amaze the scientist, the sicko, and the psychopath inside of you. It will be impossible to see everything, but definitely try anyway as each performance, exhibition, and presentation will fill you with awe, fear, and perhaps some revulsion as the Bay Area Science Festival teams up with the entertainment group NightLife to create an unforgettable event.

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Five Must See Museums in San Francisco

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on October 5, 2015

From wax celebrities, to albino reptiles, to illegal substances, to war memorabilia, to rare 17th century paintings, there is a museum in the Bay Area sure to wow any visitor. With more than 20 unique museum attractions to choose from in San Francisco, some even considered to be the best in the world, it’s nearly impossible to decide which will be worth it during a short visit. Try one of these five, and you are sure not to leave disappointed.

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Get A History Lesson

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on June 26, 2015

California Academy of Sciences is one of the largest natural history museums in the world. It began in 1853 as a society for educated individuals in the San Francisco area and grew to become a major museum with 26 million specimens. A completely rebuilt facility opened in 2008 and encompasses 400,000 square feet. A visit to the museum is a chance to see one of the gems of the Bay Area.

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A Night at the Museum

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on April 30, 2015

San Francisco has so many great museums, and many people don’t know that some of them can also be visited by night. This is great for people who work during the day, or have packed itineraries, or for those looking for nighttime activities outside of bars and clubs. Whether you’re hoping to learn about science or experience a new culture, there’s a museum for you.

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