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San Francisco Prom Party Buses | San Francisco Travel Blog

Underage Drinking on Party Bus Yields Nearly 100 Arrests

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on May 10, 2011

Officers from the Clovis Police Department are investigating more than 100 Buchanan High School students for underage drinking after receiving a call from a bus driver who reported seeing dozens of drunken students hanging around an intersection. Police received the call around midnight on the morning of May 1. When they responded, they found the intoxicated students hanging around outside an In-N-Out Burger restaurant. Officers said the students had smuggled alcohol onto two party buses that had transported the groups to their prom at local hotspot Holland Park West.

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Georgia Officials Protecting Prom Goers From Illegal Limo Operators

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on May 5, 2011

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may remember a story from last month about a group of Georgia prom goers who were stranded and had their prom ruined by an illegal and unethical limousine service. In the wake of that incident, officials with the Georgia Public Service Commission are working with the Atlanta Police Department to conduct spot checks of limousines, party buses and other luxury vehicles on prom nights. The checks are intended to safeguard kids from illegal limo operators who do not have required insurance coverage, proper licensing and registration of drivers and vehicles.

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Rent a Bay Area Party Bus for Prom With Your Friends This Year

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on May 3, 2011

If you’ve always wanted to rent a San Francisco party bus for prom, but thought they were only for rock stars and pro athletes, think again. Get your friends organized, make a plan and call the Bay Area prom party bus experts at NLS Limo. Renting a party bus for prom makes sense for several reasons such as these:

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