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San Francisco Limousine | San Francisco Travel Blog

Global Transportation Organization Asking Taxis and Limousines to Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on October 4, 2010

The Taxicab, Limousine & Paratransit Association (TLPA) is urging members of its worldwide organization to paint one vehicle in their fleet pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In addition to the painted vehicle, the TLPA is asking participants in its “Pink Ride” campaign to donate funds to promote research in the fight against a disease that affects one in eight women in their lifetime. They ask members to paint all or a portion of one of their vehicles pink or affix the official pink ribbon decal with the TLPA logo with the words “Pink Ride” next to it.

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San Francisco Limo Rental Tips for Your Special Occasion

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on July 12, 2010

Renting a San Francisco limousine is a fairly straightforward affair: simply call up Nationwide Limousine Service, speak to one of our reservation specialists and make your reservation. But depending on the day of the week, time of the year and other factors, you may or may not be able to get precisely the limousine, party bus, antique car or other type of Bay Area limo you want unless you do a little planning first. To that end, here are some San Francisco limousine rental tips to help ensure that you are able to get the limo you want when you want it.

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Pack a Picnic Lunch, Rent a Bay Area Limousine and Go Whale Watching When You Need a Change of Pace

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on June 8, 2010

If the walls of your office are closing in and it has been a while since you did something spontaneous, take a day off, rent a San Francisco limo, pack a picnic lunch and go whale watching. The virtues of working hard, delayed gratification and other selfless acts are well documented, and there is no doubt they are practical and admirable character traits. However, the grind of doing the same thing day after day can wear down even the most disciplined worker. If the prospect of another Wednesday in the cube farm is simply too much to bear, take a personal day, sick day, mental health day or manufacture a euphemism of your own and get the heck out of the office to do something fun!

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