San Francisco festival limousine transportation | San Francisco Travel Blog
Block Out Winter with the SF Indie Fest
Winter and film go together like hats and gloves, like snow and snowballs, like skiis and mountain slopes, like, well, you get the idea. What better activity when the sun sets during the afternoon than gathering together some friends – or even just taking yourself out on a date – and going to sit in a darkened theater while narratives made of light unspool on the screen before you? If these words resonate with you, then you will be thrilled to learn about the upcoming winter film festival in San Francisco called SF Indie Fest.
Upcoming Art Festivals in Berkeley, San Francisco
Whether you’re an artist or an art lover, interested in performance art or paintings, there’s a Berkeley art festival for you. Dancers will go crazy for the Inky Lee Dance Performance, while those looking for something outside of the box will love the Sonic Immersion Event. Hoping for something more traditional? Tim Berne is back with a new jazz album, and is as mesmerizing as ever.