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Bay Area St. Patrick's Day events | San Francisco Travel Blog

St. Patrick’s Day Parties and Pub Crawls in San Francisco

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 15, 2022

Since St. Patrick’s Day falls on a weekday this year, many Bay Area business owners are taking advantage of this opportunity by providing special events and celebrations for two weekends in a row. Here at Nationwide Limousine Service, our luxury ground transportation vehicles are gassed up and ready to go for round two, so put on your favorite green outfit, grab your group of friends, and give us a call today!

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Kicking Off Spring the Bay Area Way!

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 2, 2015

March can be a tricky time of year to do much traveling. Stuck at the end of winter, barely getting a taste of Spring, March can seem like an easy month to just sleep through. Unless, that is, you plan on traveling to San Francisco. San Francisco has a strict "No Month Left Behind" policy, and March is such a clear example of this fact. From the festivals to the parades, to the sporting events, March is when the Bay Area begins kicking back into high gear. We’ve compiled some of the more tantalizing events below for you to peruse, but don’t be misled into thinking that these are the only things happening around this time of year. They’re just the tip of the iceberg.

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