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blog home Things To Do Treasure Island Flea: “Hawaii in July”

Treasure Island Flea: “Hawaii in July”

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on July 29, 2016

The Treasure Island Flea returns this month to the Great Lawn, along the Avenue of the Palms in San Francisco. The Flea, for those of you who missed our last entry on the subject, takes place on the last weekend of every month, and usually revolves around some sort of unique theme or series of events that ties the whole thing together. In June, the Flea featured a retro circus as well as a beard competition. This month, from the 30th to the 31st, the Flea is back, and it’s a good time to break out your swimsuits and flip-flops because the theme for this weekend is Hawaii in July.

Attending the Flea is a great way to get a prolonged dose of the creativity and DIY mentality that has made San Francisco such a hub for makers and shapers of all stripes. Featuring an urban market with over 400 specially selected vendors, the over 20,000 visitors to the Flea have the opportunity to purchase unique and handmade items as well as antiques, vintage goods, and beautiful artworks.

So what makes it a Hawaii in July? Well, the first 500 visitors to the Flea will receive a complementary lei; in the market will be the TI Flea Tiki Bar, and between 10:00am and 11:00am you can pick up fantastic drink specials like two-for-one Mai-Tais while throughout the rest of the day you can swing by for delicious rum cocktails, California wines, and San Francisco’s famous craft beer; finally, no Hawaiian themed event would be complete without plenty of shaved ice. If you take a look at the forecast, you may find the spiking temperatures makes shaved ice sound even more appealing.

Of course there will also be plenty of food at the Flea, and with over 25 of the Bay Area’s finest and greatest food trucks on hand, you won’t have any trouble satisfying any of your deepest culinary cravings. What else? Numerous workshops for those looking for a more hands-on experience, plenty of live music, a special area just for kinds which features bounce houses and bubble sumo wrestling among other things.

The San Francisco Flea is a one-of-a-kind event for one-of-a-kind people, and it promises to make this weekend even better.

For additional information, contact Nationwide Limousine Service today at 800-339-8936!


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