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blog home Things To Do The Power of Crafting: American Craft Show San Francisco

The Power of Crafting: American Craft Show San Francisco

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on August 2, 2019

If you are at all involved in the crafting scene, then there is a good chance that you are familiar with the American Craft Council. If you aren’t, then you are missing out on an exciting organization that has been working to support and sustain crafting culture throughout the U.S. As a part of their efforts to foster a vibrant crafting scene, the ACC hosts large-scale events IN cities throughout the country. These events, which draw hundreds of crafters and thousands of visitors, allow local artists to showcase their handiwork before a much larger audience than would otherwise be possible.

As this blog relates to all things San Francisco, it will come as no surprise that the Bay Area is one of the places where the ACC decided to set up their event. For those in or around the Bay Area on the weekend of August 2nd, this is great news.

We know this is right around the corner! But there is still time to free up one, two, or three days during the first weekend of August to make it to the event which will take place at the Festival Pavilion at the Fort Mason Center. For three wonderful days, you can wander through the Festival Pavilion and browse through the wares made by local artisans. Included in this delightful collection of art objects are things such as jewelry, clothing, paintings, furniture, home decorations, and so much more. There will be something for everyone at this event, regardless of you style, taste, and budget.

In addition to established artists and craters, the American Craft Council works hard to foster the crafting abilities of young people, students, and those who are just recently attempting to enter the crafting scene.
Included in the list of local creators are:

  • Crochet Jam
  • Maker Studio SF
  • Sweetdragon Baking Company
  • Tula Bakeshoppe
  • Art Association Napa Valley
  • And so many more!

We hope that you can make it out on Friday, the 2nd, at 4:00 in order to watch our special Awards of Excellence program which is dedicated to raising artistic voices that otherwise would be forgotten or never heard.

The American Craft Show San Francisco will take place from Friday, August 2nd, until Sunday, August 4th. Admission is $10.50 per person, per day. Additional details can be found on their website.

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