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Port of San Francisco ‘Walkshop’ Tours

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on April 11, 2018

Do you have interest in shaping the future of the waterfront? Then the Port of San Francisco wants to hear from you. In April, the agency in charge of the port will be holding two public walking tours and an open house workshop. The idea behind these tours and meetings is to share recommendations that came out of a 2.5 year long process to update the Waterfront Plan. The report includes 161 recommendations, and is online now. The first “walkshop” tour will be held at South Beach from 5-7pm on the 11th. The tour starts at the Pier 40 South Beach Harbor Master community room. The 2nd will be held on the 14th, starting at Pier 1. This one will be held from 10am to noon. This all culminates in an open house that takes place on the 17th from 6-8pm on the 2nd floor of the Ferry Building.

Diane Oshima, the Port’s deputy director for Planning & Environment says, that there are some significant milestone recommendations that are looking to be addressed. One of the key recommendations is that to address waterfront resilience San Francisco is a city that is well aware of the potential damage from rising sea levels. This means that there’s a lot of concern about what the waterfront can do to help stem this potential problem. Other concerns include transportation, optimization of land use by rehabbing historic finger piers, and improving access to parks and open spaces.

Participants were chosen from 11 of the city’s supervisor districts and from all over the Bay Area. The agency has met monthly since the fall of 2015. Now it’s a matter of combing over all of the information and figuring out what the next move for the city will be. Citizens are being asked to give their ideas about the direction of the waterfront, moving forward. This is a concern that will ultimately affect all in the Bay Area.

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