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Marvelous San Francisco Museums

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on December 31, 2014

As anyone who has ever stepped foot in San Francisco can tell you, the city is a treasure trove of cultural delights. You can hardly walk a block without running into a bookstore, café, art gallery, or music venue. From the Beat Generation to LGBT activism, the Bay Area has called itself home to some of the most important and landscape-shifting movements, and this history has imprinted itself on every doorpost and street corner, from Haight-Ashbury to Fisherman’s Wharf.

With so much to digest, where does a causal visitor to the city begin? The following list of museums will give you a foothold into this fascinating world. Go to one or go to all, either way you will not leave empty handed (or empty headed).

Cartoon Art Museum

As well as many other things, San Francisco was a genesis point for the modern comics scene. When Robert Crumb began pushing his baby carriage full of Zap Comix, the world of narrative storytelling changed forever. At the Cartoon Art Museum, you can wander through a nearly 6000-piece collection of classic and contemporary cartoon works and see one of the 12 yearly exhibitions hosted by the museum. After getting your fill, you can head over to their bookstore to browse through some of the fantastic art books available for purchase.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not

A family favorite, Ripley’s Believe It or Not contains fascinating artifacts and stories of the extraordinary from around the world arranged into engaging tableaux, displays, and exhibits. Entering in to this particular museum will start you on a journey to the most bizarre corners of the human experience, and you will likely come away with a broadened understanding of the world around you and the—sometimes horrifying—array of possibilities it contains.

The Beat Museum

The Beat Generation is one of the most romanticized and well-known eras of American history. If you have ever felt the longing to travel down old route 66, hitchhike across Nevada, or just sit in a hotel for weeks on end, banging out a novel about the American landscape, well, that’s because the Beats did it first. Because of writers like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, two of the Beat Generations key figures, neither American literature nor youth culture would ever be the same again. Visiting the Beat Museum is essential for both those who are newly interested in the movement and those who have long studied its figures.


The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is the Bay Area’s fantastic collection of modern and contemporary art works by the most important figures working in the art world. For both the aficionado and the merely curious, the SFMOMA is an enlightening and revealing stop into the art world, and if you can only go to one museum while in the city, it should probably be this one.

Bay Area Museum Limo Tours

Here at Nationwide Limousine Service, we offer an incredible selection of vehicles that are perfect for San Francisco musuem tours, including stretch limos, charter buses, corporate sedans, and much more! Call us today at 800-339-8936 for additional rental rates and reservations!

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