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blog home Festivals Celebrate Workers at the 26th Annual SF LaborFest

Celebrate Workers at the 26th Annual SF LaborFest

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on June 28, 2019

If you’ve spent any amount of time on this blog, then you know we’ve written about music festivals. We’ve also written about dance festivals, film festivals, comedy festivals, playwriting festivals, and cultural festivals, pride festivals, and craft festivals. Is it possible, you might be asking yourself, is it possible that there are no more festivals to discuss?

Ha, is our answer to this. Hahaha.

Today we are going to tell you about a festival unlike any we have written about before. Admittedly, it is not as flashy as some of the others, and there aren’t going to be any rockstars or Hollywood celebrities making cameo appearances, but that hardly takes away from the importance of this event. In fact, the absence of superficial hype makes this event somewhat more essential, as its message cuts much deeper than any momentary public figure can possibly represent.

Cutting to the chase: LaborFest is coming to San Francisco. There’s a chance that you haven’t heard of this event before. Now is the time to fix that! This year marks the 26th anniversary of LaborFest, and is a culmination of all the hard work that the festival organizers do on behalf of raising awareness of the conditions of workers throughout the world.

The theme for this year’s festival is Labor on the Edge: Dystopia or a Future for Workers. Certainly not the cheeriest of subjects, but we don’t exactly live in the cheeriest of times. It often takes a hefty dose of somber reality to shock us in the culturally insulated global north to remember that people throughout the world (including people living in the Bay Area) experience working conditions that most of us would find physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially intolerable.

Running throughout the entire month of July, the SF LaborFest will feature massive amounts of events, including lectures on labor union organization and history, OSHA whistleblowers, boat tours focusing on the theme of maritime labor history, and a gathering of musicians, writers, and poets as they present their work as a direct confrontation with the contemporary rise of fascism.

LaborFest events will take place throughout the entire city, so it is best to head to their website for more details as well as the individual prices for each of the many events. We can’t wait to see you there.

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