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blog home Festivals 5th Annual Sonoma County Vegetable Fest

5th Annual Sonoma County Vegetable Fest

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on August 13, 2018

Veggies…where would we be without them? Probably comatose on our couches, wasted from energy depletion, and steadily packing on the pounds. Fortunately, vegetables are here and just waiting for us to eat them! In honor of our leafy greens, some of the folks down in Sonoma County have put together the Sonoma County VegFest. Now in its 5th year, the annual event is more than just a promotion of healthy food choices. It is also a gathering of individuals committed to pursuing sustainable living, environmental preservation, and compassion towards all living things.

This year, the event has grown in size and will feature numerous activities, speakers, roundtable discussions, and educational seminars. For those looking to learn more about sustainability, environmental activism, and better eating through vegetables , the SoCo VegFest is the perfect place.

Some of the many speakers included in this years schedule are:

  • Patti Breitman on 32 years as a vegan
  • Scott David discussing the need for more transparency in the area of slaughterhouses and large-scale commercial farming operations.
  • Mic the Vegan engaging in a special edition of Veggie Jeopardy!
  • Timaree Hagenburger on tips and tricks to transform how we think of and consume food.

The above speakers are only a few of those who will be headlining the Grand Lobby of the event, but there are other voices in other rooms, more and more lectures and classes than one can shake a cucumber at.

And if you’ve got children, don’t worry! The SoCo VegFest is definitely a kid-friendly zone, and there will even be a special kids room with its own schedule of educational, fun, and exciting events.

Want to learn more about what to do with vegetables? The Vegucation Room will showcase numerous voices from the arts and crafts community who will lead workshops on cooking, herbal medicine, and other creative things you can make with plants and vegetables. There will even be a small Animal Film Festival which promises to be both adorable and educational.

The SoCo VegFest takes place on August 18th and will be held at the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa. Doors open at 10:00 in the morning and don’t close again until 6:00 at night.

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