Our San Francisco Charter Buses Are the Most Comfortable and Economical Group Transportation Around!
If you’re looking for the most comfortable and affordable way to get your group to and from a destination, rent one or more Bay Area charter buses from us, and get ready to be happy! We have a wide range of different bus charters for your trip, which can comfortably accommodate up to 55 people.
Our luxury coaches are perfect for many different groups and destinations, including these:
- Church groups
- Sports teams
- School field trips
- Shopping excursions in the city
- Casino trips
- Business travel
- Concerts
- Professional and amateur sporting events
- Sightseeing tours
- Bay Area airport transportation
- Boy and Girl Scout troops
- Weddings
- Many more fun destinations!
If you’re planning a special trip and prefer group transportation that is a bit more comfortable and upscale than a school bus, you have come to the right place. When you choose San Francisco charter bus rentals from us, you and your group will enjoy the following amenities to make the miles fly by:
- CD and DVD players
- Flat-screen TVs
- Tinted windows
- Plush, comfortable seating
- Lavatories
- PA systems
- Plenty of legroom and storage for luggage and gear
- Many more amenities that add comfort and value to the experience!
Summertime is the busiest time of the year for our Bay Area charter bus service, and many of the most popular dates and charter bus models are filling up quickly, but there is still time to reserve your preferred dates and bus charters. For more information about your charter bus rental options, rates, availability and all other questions, just give us a call today at 1-800-339-8936 to speak with one of our reservation specialists. They can provide specific information about the luxury coaches that interest you and help you select the one that will best fit your group and your budget. Call us today, and find out for yourself why we have become the preferred San Francisco charter bus service!