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Disposable Film Festival

By San Francisco Limousine Specialist on March 18, 2018

San Francisco, with its stunning natural beauty, its long-standing artistic scene, and its unique multi-cultural heritage has become a benevolent home to the film industry. Although it doesn’t trade in the glamorous neon and gold displays of Hollywood, the Bay Area has nevertheless attracted the tastes of those looking for a somewhat less obvious (some might say more refined) film experience.

Proof of this is found in the dozens of film festivals that take place throughout the city every year. Some are small, some massive; some focus on LGBTQ+ topics, some on the environment, and some on everything they can, but all of them, regardless of their size or scope, contain potentially life-changing works of art. In an effort to help you get the most out of your Bay Area experience, we will do our best to keep track of these festivals and alert you to the ones you definitely won’t want to be missing.

First up for 2018 is the increasingly high-profile Disposable Film Festival. Now in its 10th year, the Disposable Film Festival began with a simple aesthetic principle: due to the increasing proliferation of digital media, anyone with about twenty bucks in their pocket can make a movie. Rather than sitting around, wringing their hands over the potential influx of amateur film makers (as many in the studio film industry continue to do), the folks who began the Disposable Film Festival felt instead that this democratic accessibility of filmmaking equipment was worth celebrating.

10 years later, with the advent of major iPhone films such as Tangerine, their vision has clearly paid off.

Each year, the Disposable Film Festival gathers together the best of the homemade films submitted to them throughout the year and screens these films at the Castro Theater, located at 429 Castro Street. These films, which are often available on their website year round, are the work of talented people who are not backed by large budgets (unless, you know, they have rich parents) but are instead propelled by their own visions.

The Disposable Film Festival will be held from March 29th until April 1st. Tickets will be available both on the festival’s website and at the venue.

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